Meet Sister Team Jenny and Emily


We founded Honeyhoney Media because we believe the future of marketing is beautiful video content. It is our personal mission to help companies showcase their best side to consumers.

Jenny brings her background as a successful viral photographer & videographer, with a specialty in influencer content and stop motion. Videos she has directed and edited have elapsed over 13.5+ million views and 2.5+ million likes on Instagram and TikTok.

Emily has spent her career in beauty and beverage as a leader in brand marketing and sales at Fortune 500 companies. She has worked on and with some of the biggest brands on the globe, including Secret Deodorant, Pantene, Crest, Target, Walmart, Amazon, Kona, Goose Island, and Budweiser.


Jenny and Emily have a personal passion for women-owned businesses, creating beautiful things, and border collies (check out Jenny’s studio pup Essie)

honeyhoney Media does work across the globe. For press inquiries, please email us at